Woman Taken to Jail After Saying Jesus Would Pay Her Restaurant Bill

Image: Friendly Atheist
When April Lee Yates ate dinner at Bennetts Calabash seafood restaurant in Myrtle Beach (South Carolina) on Sunday night, she had no money and no intention of paying. It certainly didn’t help when she started to “cause a disturbance” with other customers after several hours there.

By Hemant Mehta|Friendly Atheist

But don’t worry. She had a plan.

Management asked Yates to pay her dinner tab and leave, but she refused to pay the $26 bill… The officer then asked Yates what she planned to do with the bill came, and Yates explained that “Jesus” was going to pay her tab.

She was taken to jail after that.

No word yet on whether Jesus is supposed to pay her bail, too.


  1. Wenn man bedenkt, das gut 150 Millionen Amerikaner von dem Gotteshumbug überzeugt sind und das auch glauben, das kann einem schon Angst machen was die noch anstellen

    Eine Atombombe auf ein Land werfen und beten, dass Jesus die Häuser aller Christen wieder aufbaut, eine Super Lösung christlicher Politik


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